Saturday, 2 February 2008

Canterbury and Cambridge SSG / SPCK shops to close

The latest news as I understand it:

The Cambridge shop is closed, with a note on the door saying it is 'closed for renovation' or somesuch, but insiders tell me it is probably permanent. The staff were spoken to on Friday and 'two were more or less dismissed. The third was offered a change of contract which was not tenable'. (Quote from a reliable source).

The Canterbury shop (picture: above right) is apparently closing on the 28th of February. (Update: I can now verify that this is the case.)

From a comment made on my last post by Pax Vobiscum:

Cambridge and Canterbury are closing at the end of the month, although Cambridge is already closed because, allegedly, of the way the staff have been treated. The usual details are all in the mix - a situation badly handled by a poor management style.

Meanwhile, several shops have been offered a very scary franchise deal. Some have said 'no', some have said 'yes', others are considering it or trying to negotiate better terms.

AND - the whole issue of new contracts is menacing again. But best not to discuss that while the staff are considering their response. All I can say is that a source close to me received a two page letter from USDAW last week regarding the new contracts and the attempts to implement them. It makes for very interesting reading.

I hope to have more later.

If you have first hand information about the situation please do let me know.

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